2011年4月30日 星期六

Experiment 2- Final Submission

Sketch up model- 10 prisms

Crysiswar level



(Issac Newton) Humans will deconstruct the earth through the overdevelopment of society + (Sigmund Freud) Smoking increases the capacity to work
= Human and smoking are closely related, which both of them can be beneficial and destructive to the environment

 Whole view of the landscape
The prisms are located on a small island, surrounded by hills and trees

 The final stage of the prisms with textures

Back view of the prisms

Back views of the land-form

The boat and the fences show the artificial part in the land-form, implying that construction by human can make an good environment to people, meanwhile, it will destroy the nature as deforestation are needed to create land for construction.

 Laboratory of Sigmund Freud

Light texture is applied.
The area below is for working and making experiment while the area on the top is for smoking. This will help testing whether smoking can facilitate the work. Moreover, there are plants nearby, which can help to know the damage to environment by smoking.

Laboratory of Issac Newton

Dark texture is applied.
The area surrounding is for construction by Newton, so that he can know the influence of construction by human to the earth. The laboratory is consist of many prisms yet there there is big hole on the main piece. This reflect the deconstruction made when overdeveloping the earth.

The meeting point of two clients
Ideas of both clients are shared here and new hypothesis is created 

